Sometimes, your finances and the payments that you owe might become overwhelming. An option is to file for bankruptcy. Here are a few myths to keep in mind so that you're comfortable with making this decision. Never getting credit A common myth surrounding Chapter 7...
Helping With Your Financial Future
Month: May 2022
Handling both bankruptcy and divorce
You may be feeling overwhelmed with debt and considering bankruptcy as a way to get relief. But what if you're also in the process of getting divorced in California? Can you file for bankruptcy and still protect your assets? Let's explore your options when filing for...
3 things you should do after your bankruptcy case closes
If you’ve already gone through the process of filing for bankruptcy in California, you might be wondering what to do next. Here are three things that you should do after your bankruptcy case is closed: #1: Save all of your bankruptcy stuff Hold onto your bankruptcy...
Why is bankruptcy certificate necessary in California
Bankruptcy is a legal process in California that aims to help people who owe money get some relief from their debt while at the same time assisting people who are owed to get paid from assets or property that the debtor has. The person in debt can receive a bankruptcy...
Bankruptcy won’t eliminate all of your debts
Seeking protection from creditors in a California courtroom may make it possible to eliminate or reduce your debts. However, filing for bankruptcy won't allow you to get rid of all of your outstanding balances. For instance, you will likely still be responsible for...