After getting behind on various payments in California, you might find that your credit score has decreased. While this could hurt some areas of your life, there are some ways that you can begin the repair process. Check your reports One of the first things you can do...
Helping With Your Financial Future
Month: March 2023
Taking the Chapter 7 bankruptcy means test
California residents who file Chapter 7 bankruptcies must pass a means test before their cases are processed. This means test was introduced when the nation’s bankruptcy law was revised in 2005 to prevent people who are able to afford to pay their bills from taking...
Americans are charging more on their credit cards
Americans paid off record amounts of debt between 2000 and 2022. During the second quarter of 2020, people living in California and other United States locations paid off $76 billion of credit card debt and an additional $49 billion in the first quarter of 2021. The...
How will your life change under Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy?
Bankruptcies are filed every day in California. If you have amassed significant debt, you may consider filing for bankruptcy to free yourself of this burden. You should realize, however, that life after bankruptcy can be very different. The consequences can shape your...