Excessive debt might prove so massive that a person files for bankruptcy in California. This process provides a way to resolve the situation and find a fresh start. Some might worry about the negative impact Chapter 7 or 13 has on a credit score, but there are ways to...
Helping With Your Financial Future
Month: January 2023
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Bankruptcy’s automatic stay
Debt situations could make life challenging for those unable to cover their obligations. When debt levels become so high that repaying creditors proves impossible, the debtor may file for bankruptcy in a California federal court. Many look towards Chapters 7 and 13 as...
What should you know about Chapter 11 Bankruptcy in California?
If a business cannot pay its debts, it may file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. The ultimate goal of this type of bankruptcy involves reorganizing debts to make paying creditors feasible. Chapter 11 eligibility Primarily, businesses file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. These...