If you file for bankruptcy, it’s important to know how to rebuild or repair your credit score. This score is going to go down due to the bankruptcy filing. This can make it more difficult for you in the future if you’re trying to get credit cards, get a car loan, take...
Helping With Your Financial Future
Month: April 2024
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Medical creditors are notorious for aggressive debt collection efforts
People who have gone through medical hardship often expect that healthcare providers should treat them with dignity and patience. After all, a hospital that has – for example – provided cancer treatment should be fully aware of the current limitations affecting a...
Why debt settlement programs may not be worth the effort
If you’re sitting up at night worrying about your debts, you’ve probably seen the ads for debt relief or debt settlement programs where they promise to settle your debts for pennies on the dollar. Have you ever heard the adage, “If it sounds too good to be true, it...