Many people dream of becoming small business owners. They may take out business loans, find investors, and launch their new company. Unfortunately, for many of them, that dream doesn’t last very long. Statistics show that about 20% of small businesses—one out of every...
Helping With Your Financial Future
Chapter 11 Bankruptcy
Business life after Chapter 11: Rules to operate by
Undergoing a Chapter 11 bankruptcy is undeniably challenging, but it provides an opportunity to reorganize and rebuild your business. Contrary to popular belief, a business bankruptcy need not signal the end of the company you worked hard to build. With the right...
Chapter 11 bankruptcy: A lifeline for businesses in debt
Business owners may unexpectedly encounter turbulent financial waters and wonder what they can do to keep their enterprise afloat. When debt becomes overwhelming, filing for bankruptcy can be a suitable debt management option. However, business owners should know that...
Breaking bankruptcy news to the people involved in your business
How will you tell your stakeholders, suppliers, customers and all the parties involved in your business that you are filing for bankruptcy? Won't doing so ruin your relationships? You can let the parties you work with know your business is declaring bankruptcy without...
Reasons businesses go through bankruptcy
Businesses go through bankruptcy for many different reasons. This doesn’t always mean that they have to close. For instance, a business owner could use Chapter 11 bankruptcy to reorganize their debt, allowing the business to remain open. Moreover, the reason for the...
What does subchapter 5 of chapter 11 mean for California businesses?
California business owners can file Chapter 7 or Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Chapter 7 is for businesses that are unable to recover from their financial problems and need to close up shop. Chapter 11 is for operations that can remain in business if their creditors allow...
Is Chapter 7 or Chapter 11 right for your business?
Times are tough, and a lot of small or medium-sized businesses find themselves facing an uncertain financial future. When that happens, it's only natural to think about the potential options, including bankruptcy. Chapter 7 and Chapter 11 are two different chapters of...
3 ways Chapter 11 bankruptcy can keep your business alive
In the ever-evolving business world, companies often face financial challenges that threaten their existence. One powerful tool that can help a struggling business stay afloat is Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Also known as business reorganization bankruptcy, this debt relief...
The facts about a Chapter 11 bankruptcy
Suppose your California business struggles to stay afloat, and creditors call you daily, demanding payment. In this case, a Chapter 11 bankruptcy might provide the means to regain financial stability and stop the harassment. Keep reading to learn the basic facts about...
Is Chapter 11 right for you?
While Chapter 11 bankruptcy is typically used by companies looking to reorganize their debt, it can be used by individuals as well. It is often used by California residents who exceed the secured and unsecured debt limits associated with Chapter 13. Chapter 13 debt...